10 Easy Ways To Control Diabetes Naturally At Home

Diabetes is perhaps the deadliest disease that works like a slow poison. When a person has diabetes, either the body does produce enough insulin, or fails to use the insulin correctly and it leads to glucose accumulating in the blood. High levels of glucose in the blood can cause a range of symptoms that include exhaustion, blurry vision, heart diseases, etc. And, it's really tough to maintain a healthy blood sugar level because most people keep hovering between low & high blood sugar. Today, we’ll discuss how to control diabetes naturally at home. 
Let’s start with the differences between both high & low blood sugar levels then we’ll talk about symptoms and treatments. 
What is High Blood Sugar?
High blood pressure or hypertension, refers to the condition in which your blood pressures against your artery walls. High blood pressure also damages your blood vessels that can lead to some serious heart diseases, kidney, stroke and other problems. Hypertension (type-1) is often called the silent killer because most times it makes home in our body without showing any symptoms and can be overlooked  — and untreated — for years. According to a report of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), nearly 75 million Americans have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. In many cases, it was out of control, such as age, family history, gender, and race. Though there are some other factors as well that you can control, including exercise and diet. A healthy diet that is rich in potassium, magnesium, and fiber and low in sodium can help treat high blood pressure aka hypertension effectively. 
Keep reading to learn which foods can help fight against hypertension and treat high blood sugar levels. 

These are The 5 Foods That Actually Help in High Blood Pressure

1. Leafy Greens
If you’ve high blood pressure, you must add leafy greens to  your diet. Available potassium helps your kidneys filter extra sodium through urine. It eventually lowers your blood pressure. Some leafy greens that are high in potassium include:
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Arugula
  • Turnip Greens
  • Collard Greens
  • Spinach
Canned vegetables often come up with added sodium. But frozen vegetables contain more nutrients in comparison to fresh vegetables, and easier to store. You can also try these veggies with a banana and nut milk for a mouthwatering green juice to treat high blood pressure.
2. Berries
All the berries contain high nutrients, especially blueberries, which are also rich in a natural compound called ‘flavonoids’. One study has found that having these compounds not only prevents hypertension, but also helps in lowering blood pressure. You can add blueberries to your daily diet that are also high in some other nutrients. 
3. Skim Milk & Yogurt
Skim milk is a very good source of calcium and low in fat. And both these elements play a vital role in lowering blood pressure. You can also opt for yogurt in case you hate milk just like other millennials. 
4. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is just a perfect combination of high-fiber, low-fat, and low-sodium and all these elements are perfect to treat high blood pressure. Consuming oatmeal in your breakfast is a great way to keep your body full for the day. Overnight oats are the most popular breakfast option loved around the world.
5. Banana
Though there are some supplements that are high in potassium, but we suggest you consuming potassium-rich foods & fruits instead of such supplements. You can either add two slices of banana to your oatmeal or blend with blueberries for a healthy & tasty breakfast. 


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